Know Before You Go. Five Tips For Your First IPL Photofacial

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An intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial is highly effective for restoring an even, more youthful-looking skin tone, starting with your first treatment. At Aesthetic Body Solutions, dedicated board-certified internist Dr. Dale Prokupek and his team of aesthetic experts provide IPL photofacial services to minimize the appearance of sun damage, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and more! If you’re getting ready for your first IPL photofacial in Beverly Hills, CA, read the top five tips you need to know before you go by scrolling down.

  1. Avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds

Intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial treatments involve exposing your skin to a very bright high-intensity light. The rapid bursts of light target pigmented areas and break down melanin, which causes skin discoloration. IPL also stimulates cell turnover and the production of fresh, new skin tissue. But if your skin is damaged – like if you have a sunburn or are deeply tanned – an IPL photofacial can further irritate your skin. To ensure your IPL service is safe and effective, Dr. Prokupek generally recommends avoiding direct sunlight and tanning beds for at least two or three weeks before your IPL photofacial.

  1. Skip those self-tanning products

Self-tanning products, like skin-darkening lotions, sprays, and mousses, contain a color additive. This additive creates a chemical reaction with amino acids (proteins) in your skin, resulting in a temporary tanned appearance. Because your skin is likely going to be darker than usual after your self-tanning treatment, an IPL photofacial may not be as effective as it should be. The IPL system basically won’t be able to distinguish between problem areas and artificially tanned spots. For optimal results, Dr. Prokupek encourages you to skip all self-tanning products for at least 2 – 4 weeks before your IPL photofacial.

  1. Stop using certain medications

Certain medications, particularly prescription-strength acne creams and pills, make your skin overly sensitive to direct sunlight. If you use these products and undergo an IPL photofacial treatment, the light energy could be damaging to your skin. When you come into Aesthetic Body Solutions for your IPL photofacial consultation in Beverly Hills, CA, bring a list of your current medications and skin care products. Dr. Prokupek can let you know if there’s anything you need to stop taking before scheduling your IPL photofacial.

  1. Start using sunscreen religiously

Many clients want to know what to do after an IPL photofacial. Dr. Prokupek always has the same response: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen regularly throughout the day. An IPL photofacial makes your skin very sensitive to the sun, and he doesn’t want you to get a sunburn. To help you get in the habit of frequent sunscreen usage and to prevent sun damage beforehand, start adding sunscreen applications to your daily routine now.

  1. Plan accordingly

Even though an IPL photofacial doesn’t cause severe swelling and irritation like you can experience after laser skin resurfacing, it’s still bothersome for your skin. Your IPL photofacial might lead to minor redness, soreness, and peeling. Because of these potential temporary side effects, it’s best to plan accordingly. Avoid planning any important events or activities for a couple of days, just to give your skin adequate time to heal.

In addition, multiple IPL sessions may be necessary to help you reach your skin goals. If you want to know how often you can get an IPL photofacial to improve your skin and help it continue to look its best, book a consultation. Most clients find that IPL photofacials are worth it and don’t mind the minor inconvenience of rearranging their schedules.

Start your path to beautiful skin by booking an IPL photofacial consultation with board-certified internist Dr. Dale Prokupek at Aesthetic Body Solutions today. Call or click here to book a visit at this Beverly Hills, CA med spa.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.