Why Are My Acne Scars Taking So Long to Fade Away?

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Acne scars can impact your self-esteem. Laser acne treatment is an effective treatment option for acne scarring and can significantly reduce the appearance of facial blemishes, but it can take time for the scarring to fade. Following laser acne treatment, you might start to observe an improvement in the skin appearance within 24 – 48 hours. However, it will take from three to six laser acne treatment appointments to dramatically impact the scars and reduce their appearance.

Board-certified internist Dr. Dale Prokupek at Aesthetic Body Solutions in Beverly Hills, CA will conduct a full skin evaluation of your acne scarring to determine how many laser acne treatments you will require to help gain the results you seek. Dr. Prokupek uses the innovative Lumenis® M22™ laser to treat acne and scarring.

When undergoing laser acne treatments with the state-of-the-art Lumenis platform, patients enjoy the following benefits:

  • Reduces the appearance of acne scars and pits

  • Destroys microorganisms that cause acne

  • Helps stimulate collagen production to fill in the pitted acne scars

  • Clears skin

  • Creates smoother skin

  • Fully customizable

  • Easy and quick process

  • Effective for all skin types

Who is a suitable candidate for laser acne treatments?

To find out if you are a viable candidate for laser acne treatments, you’ll need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Prokupek at Aesthetic Body Solutions in Beverly Hills, CA. If your skin shows signs of an active infection, you’ll need to have the condition cleared up before you can undergo laser acne treatments. Red, inflamed areas of the skin can become worse when exposed to laser treatments, which can increase the likelihood of spreading the infection. After a skin evaluation to rule out any signs of infection, Dr. Prokupek will create a customized laser acne treatment plan to help improve your skin’s appearance.

What is the process of laser acne treatment?

Prior to undergoing an acne laser treatment, our team will cleanse your skin and provide safety glasses to help protect your eyes. Dr. Prokupek will direct the laser to pass over your skin and effectively remove microorganisms that cause acne. Some irritation might occur during treatment, and you could feel a slight tingling in the skin. The laser treatments can effectively help ease the appearance of acne scarring on the skin.

Following laser acne treatment, you might experience mild redness, tenderness, or inflammation. Avoid sun exposure following treatment. Usually, you’ll start to notice a difference in your skin within a day or two.

IPL photofacial treatments improve skin discolorations and treat hyperpigmentation. ResurFX™ treatments reach deep into the layers of the skin to stimulate your body’s natural production of collagen, which starts to smooth away acne scars. Your skin will appear tighter, less damaged, and smoother.

Following acne laser treatment, you’ll want to stay out of the direct sun and avoid using a tanning bed or spray tanner for at least two weeks to give your skin a chance to heal. Usually, the skin is highly hypersensitive to light, so it will need time to repair and heal following treatment. Dr. Prokupek at Aesthetic Body Solutions in Beverly Hills, CA suggests avoiding sunlight for 48 hours to prevent sunburn.

Schedule a consultation for laser acne treatment today

If you want to learn more about laser skin treatments to treat acne scarring, we invite you to schedule a consultation today. Dr. Dale Prokupek at Aesthetic Body Solutions in Beverly Hills, CA will carry out a thorough skin evaluation to develop a treatment plan. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.